3 Lessons on Building Tension from Award-Winning Author Erin Flanagan


In a recent interview with author Erin Flanagan, we delved into the art of building tension and suspense over the course of a novel.

Flanagan is well-known for her ability to create increasingly unsettled feelings in readers. She shares her insights and advice for writers looking to master this intricate skill.

Here are 3 things I learned…

Building Tension through Pacing and Editing:

Erin admits that pacing and tension are among the most challenging aspects of writing.

She emphasized the importance of having a great editor. The editor for her novel COME WITH ME helped her identify the peaks and valleys of tension.

Erin aimed to balance the surprise elements with the reader’s anticipation, ensuring a delicious feeling of impending trouble without keeping the tension for too long.

Crafting Realistic Characters and Relationships

One of the reasons Flanagan’s novels resonate with readers is her ability to create relatable characters. She wanted her protagonist, Gwen, to be smart yet susceptible to falling into controlling relationships.

Erin talked about exploring the idea that even intelligent individuals can be blindsided by toxic dynamics.

She skillfully depicted the challenges Gwen faced, from caring for her mother to dealing with financial strain, making her relatable and believable.

I feel like with thrillers, sometimes you’re right in that line of like, it’s got to be a little bit honest…you have to go a little crazy in a thriller. But I want it really to feel like…this is a very plausible situation.

Erin Flanagan

For us as writers, finding ways to slowly build the changes in a relationship can drastically improve the realistic aspect of that relationship. So if you’re writing these dynamic relationships that play a huge role in your novel, jumping too quickly into the drama can make them seem unrealistic in a way that pulls your reader out of the story. More on that in the next section…

Realism in Thrillers

As thriller writers, we want our novels to feel plausible, a situation that readers could imagine happening in real life.

Balancing the fine line between a thrilling story and realistic characters can be tricky, but Flanagan successfully achieved this balance in her novel. So I asked her how she did it.

…one of the things I really wanted to explore in the book was how smart women do kind of fall into these relationships with people that are controlling.

Erin Flanagan

She shares that she drew upon her own experiences and observations. She created a gripping narrative that would keep readers engaged while feeling grounded in reality.

As writers, we want our stories to feel real for our readers. To achieve this, it seems Erin is using contact points of reality, things others might have seen or experienced. These realistic touch points keep readers from abandoning a book for it’s lack of “reality.”

Looking Ahead

As we concluded the interview, Flanagan shared some insights into her current project and it made me think a lot about all of us writers. It was really a relatable moment!

She laughed while describing the challenges she faced while writing her new novel. She struggled to tame the unwieldy beast that can often be the writing process. Sound familiar?

Despite the occasional frustration, we all need to find ways to remain excited about our works in progress. It’s important to embrace the fear and uncertainty that come with pushing ourselves as writers.


Erin Flanagan’s expertise in developing tension and suspense in novels is evident in her work. Through careful pacing, relatable characters, and thoughtfully crafted narratives, she captures readers’ attention and keeps them on the edge of their seats. If you’re an aspiring writer or a fan of thrilling stories, Flanagan’s insights and advice are invaluable.